MyJobMatch for Employment Support Agencies is a new and innovative supported employment process that uses a custom-built digital tool allowing organizations offering supported employment programs and providers to collaborate with their teams to track, match, and secure jobs for job seekers with disabilities.
MyJobMatch for Job Seekers is designed to empower the job seeker on their employment journey. Whether they are seeking new opportunities, career advancement, or a supportive community, the latest feature allows them to engage in job searches more independently, gain control over their job search with tools that empower them to find and apply for jobs on their terms.
5 hours a week is a great start for both the job seeker and the employer. 5 hours a week of work gives the job seeker the opportunity to get a foot in the door, use their skills, and grow their career there. It’s manageable enough for most employers, which makes the commitment to employ easier.
Think of your first job as a teenager – you most likely weren’t sure what job you wanted, and you likely didn’t have all the skills needed BUT your employer took a chance. That first job was a stepping stone – you were able to learn new skills, build trust with your employer, and decide whether it was a job you genuinely enjoyed.
Job Seekers can build their profile and express interest in employment opportunities with greater independence.
Job Seekers can browse jobs, ‘Like’ jobs, and start an application.
MyJobMatch’s Live Chat Customer Support is there to assist the job seeker along their employment journey.
MyJobMatch is specifically designed to help you do your work faster, more efficiently, and more effectively.
The MyJobMatch platform allows you to access a shared database of employers and job opportunities to look for potential matches based on keywords, interests, skills, and locations. It can track current employment for individuals, helping you build, and manage an individual’s profile.
In addition, MyJobMatch has a public job network that allows supported employment providers across agencies to share job opportunities across agencies, removing the preexisting boundaries that once limited the opportunities available to people with disabilities. Our goal is to build a system that will enhance and compliment a future process that is more collaborative and impactful.
MyJobMatch stands out by offering dual benefits: facilitating access to employment for people with disabilities and providing businesses access to employment supports and resources. The relationship between job seekers, employment supports professional, and employers is at the heart of MyJobMatch’s value proposition.
Employers, we believe that creating a 5-hour-a-week job is a manageable request. 5 hours allows whoever is responsible to assist your new hire, provides the opportunity for training and oversight, while not taking away from their everyday work.
It’s been tested and it works.
Let’s take Jenna as an example. Jenna works 5 hours a week every Tuesday in the Public Relations Department at Community Living Toronto. Her peer mentor, Karla, knows Jenna is coming to work every Tuesday and sets time aside for her. She’s also had a week to put together tasks that Jenna can help with. Jenna is able to build skills and she is a big help to Karla.
But Jenna wants to work more. Great! Jenna is also hired to work in the Social Enterprise Department. Jenna works 5 hours every Thursday with another peer mentor, Annette. Every Thursday Annette knows that Jenna will be coming to work and is able to set aside time and tasks for her. Jenna learns more skills and Annette feels supported in her work.
We’ll get you set up. Reach out to our Customer Supports team at support@myjobmatch.ca to begin the onboarding process.
We’d be happy to get you started on your employment journey. Visit the Home Page > Select ‘Sign In’ >Job Seeker.
Would you prefer the assistance of a professional specializing in employment support, or do you wish to pursue your goals more independently? You have the choice. If you have questions, the MyJobMatch Customer Support is ready to support you along the way.
If you email support@myjobmatch.ca our Customer Supports team will be in touch and help your organization get set up and trained.
Enter your email address and then select ‘Forgot password’. Instructions on how to reset your password will go to your email inbox.

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